Can a 'Box of Nothing' change your world?

Below is the "box of nothing".    Nothing, but your ideas, dreams and stories.

Most web sites are filled with something.  This Website is filled with nothing.

Take the box of nothing challenge;  Contact 3 of your friends and

have them all  Click here at the same time -> 

(Click Here to Edit this page) This link will work with Internet Explorer.

We believe that the new version of Google Docs, used in just the right way, can change people lives.

Thanks to all the IWearYourShirt fans who helped us launch Sunday April 25th 2010.

Here is the front page as of 4-25-2010 9:17pm AZ time

We Love it. 


Here is the front page as of 4-26-2010 10:13pm AZ time

An awesome ending to the second day.  Thanks!

Here is the front page as of 4/27/2010 11:28 AZ Time.

I like the color. 

Front Page as of 4/28/2010

Very visual, full of life. Thanks.

Front Page as of 4/29/2010

Which way to go, that is the question.

Front Page as of 4/30/2010


Front Page as of 5/1/2010

One more day of evolution

Front Page as of 5/2/2010

Mr Rogers Rocks!

Front Page as of 5/3/2010

I made all the changes today

Front Page as of 5/4/2010

Here is the Time Magazine  link from the box below 


Front Page as of 5/5/2010